The Real Change Movement. Heart. Help. Happiness.
Are you moved by the plight of the homeless? Wonder how best to help? As a community, we have the opportunity to take action and create lasting change.
Studies show that those who give to a good cause, who actively help others, are measurably happier.
This principle is at the heart of the Real Change Movement. The Real Change Movement is an initiative focused on raising awareness about the issues of homelessness and generating new funds to help make a difference. Its goal is to help provide homes for the homeless with the credit card and small change donations you make through our special donation meter program. As a collaborative effort involving local governments, nonprofit organizations, businesses and individuals, the campaign aims to harness the power of our community. Integrating online and social media channels, grassroots outreach, and public service announcements, the Real Change Movement seeks to touch hearts and minds with a long-term, positive approach to a common concern.
If you're inspired and wish to contribute, simply click on the Donate Now button and experience the happiness of giving — here and now.
Homes for the homeless. Powered by change.

Meter Donation Program
A unique aspect of the Real Change Movement is the introduction of our meter donation program, the first of its kind in Los Angeles County. Generously donated by IPS Group, these meters have been specially designed for our campaign. Our unconventional meters, symbols of help and hope, are easy to spot with their bright, bold orange look.
Meet Real Changers
Real people, with real heart, sharing in their own way.
Our Partners
Homeless Resources
Accessing Services
These providers offer basic services including meals, showers, and bad weather shelter for the homeless every day of the year.
Find out more
A Helping Hand
Looking to do more? You can get actively involved as a volunteer.
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News and Reports
Read about the ways your donations have helped to provide permanent housing for the homeless.
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Success Stories
Discover inspirational success stories from people overcoming homelessness.
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Our Meter Sponsors
If you're a business owner or organization, your sponsorship support can make a real difference. Be actively involved.
Here's how:
- Sponsor a meter
For $1500, you can sponsor a Real Change meter for one year. Your sponsorship includes:
- publicity for you on our website
- acknowledgement on the meter as sponsor
- Host a meter
Collaborate with us by having a Real Change meter on your premises with public access
Learn more about Real Change in West Palm Beach
Our Partners
Homeless Resources
Accessing Services
These providers offer basic services including meals, showers, and bad weather shelter for the homeless every day of the year.
Find out more
A Helping Hand
Looking to do more? You can get actively involved as a volunteer.
Find out more
News and Reports
Read about the ways your donations have helped to provide permanent housing for the homeless.
Find out more
Success Stories
Discover inspirational success stories from people overcoming homelessness.
Find out more
Our Meter Sponsors
If you're a business owner or organization, your sponsorship support can make a real difference. Be actively involved.
Here's how:
- Sponsor a meter
For $2500, you can sponsor a Real Change meter for one year. Your sponsorship includes:
- publicity for you on our website
- acknowledgement on the meter as sponsor
- Host a meter
Collaborate with us by having a Real Change meter on your premises with public access
For more information, contact Marilyn Munoz, Executive Director, Homeless Coalition of Palm Beach County at 561-355-4764 or
Los Angeles 14th District City Councilmember José Huizar is the creator of the City of L.A.'s Homeless Donation Meter program and has partnered with The Real Change Movement to implement the program. Huizar is one of the City of Los Angeles' most proactive elected officials in pursuing creative solutions to address homelessness. Councilmember Huizar helped create the intensive homeless outreach program, City County Community (C3), that the Downtown Los Angeles donation meter program benefits. C3 helps provide service and housing to those experiencing homelessness in Downtown Los Angeles' Skid Row and is now the model for homeless outreach throughout Los Angeles County. Councilmember Huizar led the effort for the City of Los Angeles to establish the nation's first permanent large-city committee to address homelessness, helped create a Citywide Homelessness Strategic Plan, and co-authored Measure HHH, a $1.2 billion homeless housing bond, which will provide up to 10,000 units of housing over 10 years. Councilmember Huizar also led an effort to increase our dwindling affordable housing stock through a development fee (Linkage Fee), which is expected to create about $100 million annually to provide new, and protect existing, affordable housing throughout the City of Los Angeles. To learn more about the work Councilmember José Huizar is doing, please visit
Our Partners
Homeless Resources
Accessing Services
These providers offer basic services including meals, showers, and bad weather shelter for the homeless every day of the year.
Find out more
A Helping Hand
Looking to do more? You can get actively involved as a volunteer.
Find out more
News and Reports
Read about the ways your donations have helped to provide permanent housing for the homeless.
Find out more
Our Meter Sponsors
If you're a business owner or organization, your sponsorship support can make a real difference. Be actively involved.
Here's how:
- Sponsor a meter
For $3,500, you can sponsor a Real Change meter for one year. Your sponsorship includes:
- publicity for you on our website
- acknowledgement on the meter as sponsor
- Host a meter
Collaborate with us by having a Real Change meter on your premises with public access